In early May I took a 5 day trip to Cuba along with a small group of other photographers to explore Havana and some of the outlying countryside. Wonderfully warm and friendly people and, as you'd expect, an overall incredible experience. The people, culture and textures are amazing. One word of caution: Have your papers in order. Apparently you still need written permission from the State Dept. to visit–which we did not have or even knew we needed. Customs people in Dallas were not pleased!

Photographer: Jim Henderson

Rancher family image selected to be in Communication Arts Photography Annual

An image of a young buffalo ranching family I shot for Wild Idea Buffalo Co. was just selected to be in the upcoming CA 2016 Photo Annual. Wild Idea was started by noted author Dan O’Brien and his wife Jill with the mission of restoring and preserving the Great Plains prairie and ecosystems by returning buffalo back to their native homeland. The winning CA entry is of Dan and Jill’s daughter and son-in-law with their young son. 


Photographer: Jim Henderson

Photo assistant: Duane Lage

Client: Wild Idea Buffalo Co.

Agency: Jumper Cable-John Karlson

Italy Trip

In mid February, my wife and I took off on a two week trip around Italy visiting 5 cities-Venice, Florence, Milan, Rome and Palermo. Amazing beauty and history everywhere you turn. Looking at the incredible artistry and detail in the sculpture, painting and architecture, and realizing that these artists were basically working in the dark most of the time boggles the mind. The Uffizi in Florence and the Vatican Museum were especially over-the-top impressive. And, of course, Michelangelo’s David. No words do it justice. 

Much thanks to my amazing wife/assistant for her (mostly) unfailing patience with me ambling off and chasing pictures everywhere for stock. Not easy traveling with a photographer.


Photographer: Jim Henderson

Assistant: Maureen Henderson

MOTION AND STILL SHOOT FOR Wolverine Boots AND Martin Williams

MW Head of Production Stan Prinsen, Sr. Producer Heather McQueen, and their creative team needed to make a 2 minute video for client Wolverine to promote their new Durashock Boot, as well as a separate all day still shoot of workers in various Wolverine products. And, both shoots needed to happen on the same day. After scouting around the city for a few days, I finally found a perfect site going up next to the Calhoun Beach Club and, thankfully, the folks at Frana Construction were excited to be a part of it. I spent a couple of days at the site wondering around the soon to be 8 story structure while they were working (I’m still amazed they let me do that) and cast 15 workers we needed for both shoots from the actual on site workers-including our hero talent for the video. I also mapped out a shot list schedule and shooting board for both the video and stills so there would be no wasted time-because we didn’t have any to waste. Oh, and we had a location move to a home during the day as well. No matter, it all came together perfectly with me directing the motion cameras and shooting the ad stills and a second team I assembled to shoot the product stills. Thanks to my producer Conor Callahan for pulling all this circus together and keeping us all out of each other’s way! 

Photographer/Director: Jim Henderson

VP/Head of Production: Stan Prinsen

Sr. Producer: Heather McQueen

Group CD: Steve Casey

Art Director: Cameron High, Meky Wong

Writer: Kyle Fiebelkorn

Producer: Conor Callahan

Camera: Alex Horner, Jules Ameel

Agency: Martin Williams

Michigan Soybean for Broadhead

Former MW creative partner, Pam Mariutto, called with a cool assignment for Broadhead client Michigan Soybean. Art Director, Paige Behrens, and I flew to Flint Michigan along for a 3 day whirlwind road trip around the state photographing real soybean farmers and families on their operations for use in collateral pieces. The weather was a little challenging-as in raining for 90% of the time- but we managed to find some windows and make it work. I even talked one of the farmer’s into picking up a couple of their kids from school to use in some shots. I love making it up as you go. The girl's pink cowboy boots were pretty dang cute too!


Photographer: Jim Henderson

Executive CD: Pam Mariutto

Art Director: Paige Behrens