MW Head of Production Stan Prinsen, Sr. Producer Heather McQueen, and their creative team needed to make a 2 minute video for client Wolverine to promote their new Durashock Boot, as well as a separate all day still shoot of workers in various Wolverine products. And, both shoots needed to happen on the same day. After scouting around the city for a few days, I finally found a perfect site going up next to the Calhoun Beach Club and, thankfully, the folks at Frana Construction were excited to be a part of it. I spent a couple of days at the site wondering around the soon to be 8 story structure while they were working (I’m still amazed they let me do that) and cast 15 workers we needed for both shoots from the actual on site workers-including our hero talent for the video. I also mapped out a shot list schedule and shooting board for both the video and stills so there would be no wasted time-because we didn’t have any to waste. Oh, and we had a location move to a home during the day as well. No matter, it all came together perfectly with me directing the motion cameras and shooting the ad stills and a second team I assembled to shoot the product stills. Thanks to my producer Conor Callahan for pulling all this circus together and keeping us all out of each other’s way! 

Photographer/Director: Jim Henderson

VP/Head of Production: Stan Prinsen

Sr. Producer: Heather McQueen

Group CD: Steve Casey

Art Director: Cameron High, Meky Wong

Writer: Kyle Fiebelkorn

Producer: Conor Callahan

Camera: Alex Horner, Jules Ameel

Agency: Martin Williams