John Karlson of Jumpercable called one day with one of those calls a photographer dreams about. Would I be interested in spending 4 or 5 days shooting a bunch of images for the Wild Idea Buffalo Co. near Badlands, SD? Do ya think? Henry Palmer from WI arranged for me to spend 4 days with founders Dan and Jill O’Brien, covering every aspect of the company and life on the ranch; from following the buffalo around the vast prairie to the harvesting and processing of the 100% grass fed meat. The mission of this amazing company is to help restore the prairies ecosystems by reintroducing the buffalo back into the native lands. For those of you who are concerned with sustainability and healthy eating, as well as humanely raising the animals, I encourage you to check out their website (which I also helped art direct and design.) What an incredible assignment. Thanks to John and everyone at Wild Idea. 



Photographer: Jim Henderson 

Art Director: Jim Henderson 

Marketing Director: Henry Palmer

Strategic Consultant: John Karlson, Jumpercable

Assistant: Duane Lage