Baylor College of Medicine for Olson

In September, we headed out with Christopher Grimes and the Olson gang for a week in Houston shooting images for Baylor College of Medicine. The shoot was done in conjunction with a tv spot they were filming and covered classroom settings, lecture halls, labs and surgery, and the busy life of being a medical student. Once again, we are able to work side by side seamlessly with the film crew and director and get tons of great still imagery that was used on large 8’ tall concourse billboards. Kudos to the entire Olson team of Christopher, Matt, Mike, Kris and Darren for making sure “the still guys” got the time and support we needed during the 3 hectic days. 


Photographer: Jim Henderson 

Producer: Conor Callahan

Art Producer: Christopher Grimes

Creative Director: Matt Burgess

Art Director: Mike Haeg

Copywriter: Kris Growcott

Broadcast Producer: Darren Larkins

Photo Assistant: Duane Lage

Agency: Olson


MN Soybean for FL+M

Reuben Singer and the gang at FL+M lined up a farm family down near Lake Crystal, MN to shoot for the Minnesota Soybean Council. Working with art director an old buddy Willie Pike, we spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon roaming around their place grabbing lots of nice moments of this terrific, young farm family. Sure beats watching football!


Photographer: Jim Henderson 

Art Director: Willie Pike

Art Producer: Reuben Singer

Photo Assistant: Duane Lage

Agency: FL+M

Syngenta in St. Louis for M/W

In July, we headed off to St. Louis to shoot images of growers and reps for client Syngenta. What trip to St. Louis would be complete without a ride up to the top of the Arch? For those of you that have never done it, you get in this surreal little circular can that takes you up inside the arch to a viewing area. Speaking of surreal, here’s a shot of Duane in the metal can right before take off..


Photographer: Jim Henderson

Producer: Conor Callahan

CD/Art Director: Jeff Tresidder

Sr. Producer: Heather McQueen

Account Manager: Bethany Schwichtenberg

Photo Assistant: Duane Lage

Agency: Martin/Williams


Farm Credit Services for Meyocks Group

In June and July art director Kevin Kellner of Meyocks Group in Des Moines and Farm Credit East marketing director Karen Murphy led us on a couple of 3 day road trips on the east coast through New York, Connecticut, Maine and New Hampshire. We photographed real FCE loan customers at their businesses which included a dairy farm, strawberry grower, a logging operation and lumber mill, tobacco farm and 3 greenhouse/nurseries. Karen did a masterful job of orchestrating all of the locations and the travel. And picking out great wines at dinner. What a client!


Photographer: Jim Henderson 

Art Director: Kevin Kellner

Marketing Director: Karen Murphy

Photo Assistant: Duane Lage

Agency: Meyocks Group


People Magazine in North Dakota

Late on a Thursday in May as I was returning from a shoot in Wisconsin, I got a call from a photo editor at People Magazine asking if I could drive up the next day to a farm a couple hours west of Grand forks, ND to photograph a 3 year old boy and his dog Cooper. A few weeks earlier, the boy and his dog had wandered off into the fields late in the day and didn’t come home at dinner. A massive search by the local townspeople combed the area through the night with temps dropping into the low 30's. At around 2am one of the searchers noticed something in the tall grass on top of a hill. As he approached, he could see the dog but it wouldn’t move. The dog was lying on top of the boy, keeping him warm and likely saved his life. I photographed both of them at the spot where they were found. I’m thinking Copper will be eating steak every night for the rest of his days. 


Photographer: Jim Henderson

Photo Assistant: Duane Lage

Client: People Magazine