In late February, ACD Pam Mariutto and I headed to Southwestern Minnesota and Northern Nebraska on assignment for Minneapolis agency Broadhead and client BI. We spent 4 days photographing real veterinarians in both locations and dodging a fast approaching blizzard at the same time. One thing we weren’t able to miss was the below zero temps. Great for rising steam in the images but brutal on the fingers. As usual, Pam was a joy to work with. Looking forward to that next warm weather job, Pam.
Photographer: Jim Henderson
ACD/Art Director: Pam Mariutto
Agency: Broadhead
In late November I headed out on an 11 day road trip in Texas with Minneapolis agency Olson and their LA based film production crew. We traveled to the Houston, Galveston and Corpus Christi area shooting in homes, refineries and drilling sites for client Ecolab. Working with art director, Emily Hoyne, and CD, Vince Beggin (probably the highest paid photo assistant I’ve ever had holding a reflector card), I shot a library of still images to be used for upcoming campaign materials. As promised, it was run n’ gun and a whole lot of work. But it was also a whole lot of fun.
Photographer: Jim Henderson
Creative Director: Vince Beggin
Art Director: Emily Hoyne
Producer: Kris Wong-Barrie
Agency: Olson
A series of images I shot while in Peru picked up a silver in the photography category at the local Minneapolis Ad Fed award show (The Show). My daughter Krissa currently lives near Machu Picchu prompting a visit from Dad and Mom. What a beautiful place to experience. Thanks to Krissa for carrying lots of those little bananas along on our hikes. The kids loved them.
Photographer: Jim Henderson
Assistants: Krissa and Craig Henderson
Working with art director, Clark Lamm and writer, Jan Pettit, I shot a series of images for MacPhail Center focusing on real people-from a mom and infant to the elderly- involved in their music therapy programs and classes. We shot 2 days at 3 different locations including the stage at their beautiful new downtown site near the river.
Photographer: Jim Henderson
CD: Tom Gabriel
Art Director: Clark Lamm
Copywriter: Jan Pettit
Art Buyer: Hallee Conke
Photo Assistant: Duane Lage
Stylist: Susan Calvit
Agency: GDB