This fall, we completed a large still and motion project for Minneapolis agency New Normal and client Thor Industries, the parent company for several major rv and camper brands including Airstream. My producer and myself found all of the locations and talent on an earlier scouting trip criss-crossing the state. For the actual shoot, we shot for 5 days on the road–from the gorgeous coast to the lush Willamette Forest and on to the desert that lies just east–capturing imagery of the the rv lifestyle and the spectacular places it can take you. We shot literally thousands of still images and over 20 hours of footage to cut the web videos from. Oregon is amazingly beautiful and is an extremely film-friendly place to work in. Can't wait to go back again!

Photographer/Director: Jim Henderson

Creative director: Julie Kucinski, Bryan Michurski

Producer: Conor Callahan

Agency Producer: Mark Riddle

DPs: Alex Horner, Jules Ameel

Drone DP: Micah Kvidt

Wardrobe/stylist: Susan Calvit

Editor: Steve Shepherd/Spotnik

Colorist: Oscar Oboza/Nice Shoes